Saturday, May 31, 2008

Visiting with Dana at the RBTE

While I was at the RBTE earlier this week, I had the real pleasure of visiting with Dana, an international singer from Ireland, most known for singing at a World Youth Day for Pope John Paul II and the youth assembled there. I believe that it was at the WYD in Colorada at which my son, Justin attended. You can check out Dana's music at

I think it's so interesting that when I was in Ireland for my brother's wedding when I was only 13 years old, I heard a beautiful song playing on the radio regularly. It was a hit song and was called, "All Kinds of Everything Reminds Me of You." I loved it and bought a copy of the record. I didn't really know who the singer was at that time, however I loved the song.

About a year ago, I heard that an Irish singer named, Dana was going to be in Connecticut to do a concert nearby to where I live. I wasn't able to make it, unfortunately.

Fast forward to about a few months ago and I saw Dana on an EWTN TV show. She was explaining how she had sung that song, "All Kinds of Everything..." over in Ireland when she was young and and how it had become a hit song. I was so surprised to find out that it was Dana who had sung that song that I had loved! On that same EWTN program, I learned about Dana singing for Pope John Paul II at World Youth Day.

Then, by God's wonderful grace, I was able to meet Dana at the RBTE convention that I recently attended and also able to have a beautiful and prayerful conversation with her. God is so very good to us.

God bless your night!


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