Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I was profoundly touched at Mass this morning watching the First Holy Communion children process up the center aisle carrying beautiful pink roses. They approached the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and one girl climbed up behind the statue and crowned Mary! Then, the roses that the children beautifully carried forward were placed in vases to adorn Our Blessed Mother's feet.

We are so blessed to have Mary as our Mother. Mother Teresa's words to me, "Mary, Mother of Jesus, be a Mother to me now" echoed in my heart.

Happy Mothers day to all the women out there--so many mothers and also the women who are not biological mothers, but who mother so many others in a myriad of ways. Some mothers do not have children living here on earth, but are profoundly connected with their children in Heaven lost through miscarriage or death. We can also think of and pray for the children who lost their lives through the atrocious act of abortion. They are with Jesus and Mary for sure--praying for all of us!

I am adding the three sidebars that went along with my Mother's day article I recently wrote for the Our Sunday Visitor newsweekly which was posted on this blog yesterday.

Here they are:

Roxane Salonen from Fargo, North Dakota, author, journalist, wife and mother of five recently pondered the joys and challenges of motherhood. She shared, “Having lost one child through miscarriage, and having met quite a few women who have struggled with infertility, I understand quite profoundly the preciousness of the gift of life, as well as what an honor it is to take part in the process of helping bring new souls into the world.”

Mindful that “the world can be so hostile to Christian mothers at times,” Roxane connects with likeminded Christian mothers. “I have gained so much insight and courage through my affiliation with my mother groups. They have been life-giving and life-saving.”

As Roxane’s family grew, she had to leave behind her previous long evening candle-lit sessions with God and discover the prayerful meaning woven into a mother’s life. “Our work is our prayer. I firmly believe that…while oftentimes mundane, is indeed holy work.”

Roxane loves singing as a cantor and recalls her father’s words--“Those who sing pray twice.” She weaves prayer into her involvement with school, parish, and community life and prays during her laps at the local pool.
“I can’t imagine trying to journey through this world without my faith as a guide” she pointed out. Visit Roxane at

Patti Maguire Armstrong from Bismark, North Dakota, author, editor, wife and mother of ten recently shared that she is “in awe at the total miracle of each and every creation of a new human being.”
Patti loves watching her children develop as unique individuals and shares that the “most challenging aspect of mothering is the flipside of the most rewarding—their individuality.” Through this, she recognizes many opportunities “to grow in humility and develop a deeper understanding that we must give everything to God and not think that we are in control.”

Knowing that “Jesus was all about love” Patti is cognizant of the need to respond to her children with Jesus’ love. Patti begins and ends each day with prayer and tries to get to daily Mass and visit the Blessed Sacrament which keeps her grounded in her faith. At busy times, Patti has learned to be content with offering up short prayers or recalling Scripture verses. Her favorites are: “Sacred Heart of Jesus, I put all my trust in You and Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”

“I stay in contact with God by living in His presence. I often call out to the Blessed Mother and the angels and saints to assist me through the day.” Visit Patti at

Lisa M. Hendey, from Fresno, California, founder of, wife, and mother of two loves the relationships that she’s formed with her teen aged sons. “It’s wonderful to watch them grow and develop into such wonderful men. Every day as a mother has its rewards, large and small” she shared.
Lisa finds peace and strength in her prayer life. She said, “My faith is the fuel that enables me to take on the tremendous challenges of being a Mom!”
She meets the demands of each day by rising early to carve out a quiet time for prayer and meditation; a habit she learned from her father. Daily Scripture readings, studying the lives of the saints and seeking their intercession helps set the tone for her day. Lisa tries to get to daily Mass and visits to the Blessed Sacrament. She fits in decades of the rosary while driving and converses with God in spontaneous prayer throughout the day.

Lisa enjoys everything “geek,” digital photography and knitting. She is an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and parish webmaster. Her first book which is a handbook for Catholic Moms will be released next year.
“Without the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the whole Communion of Saints, I don’t know how I’d meet the demands of mothering” she said. Visit Lisa at


Roxane B. Salonen said...

Donna, I really do feel honored to have been featured with the others on your blog today. Also, I am only a couple hours from Bismarck. I've got to meet Patti! Thanks for all you do to connect mothers to their faith, and help them see the true dignity in their calling/vocation.

Tracy said...

Happy Mother's Day Donna!!

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle said...


I thought about that when I interviewed each of you - that you should get in touch with each other! God is so good to bring us all together!


Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle said...

Happy Mother's day, Tracy!

Unknown said...

Thanks Donna dear! I feel humbled to be in such good company and have posted at link on my blog at
Happy Mother's Day to all!

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle said...

Hi Lisa,

Ah, you're so humble! Thank you for your prayerful message that wove its way into my article!

Happy Mother's Day and thanks for linking. :)
