Thursday, October 2, 2008

Our Guardian Angels

On this feast of the Guardian Angels I'd like to take a moment to reflect on these powerful intercessors and friends.

My friend and former spiritual director, Fr. John A. Hardon SJ (now deceased) has said in his book, Theology of Prayer (St. Paul Editions) "The angels are pure spirits who have no bodies like our own but they are persons no less than we. They are intelligent beings whom God has brought into being to praise, love and serve Him no less than us. They are the angels who proved their loyalty to God and are now in heaven with God, never to be separated from him. Their role in God's plan for the universe, and how this bears emphasis, is to serve our needs. They are literally the guardians of the human race.And it is part of our faith that each one of us has his or her own guardian spirit...Within the realm of created beings the angels are more like God because they are pure creatures having no body, but they are also like us because we too have a mind and a will, so we can talk to the angels. The angels are providential intermediaries between God, whose vision they already enjoy, and mankind, whom they are entrusted to lead to the vision not yet attained. We therefore have not only the privilege but the duty to talk with the angels in easy, intimate and frequent conversation."

Are we conversing with out Guardian Angels? Frequently? We should be. They are our friends and powerful intercessors! Most of us have no idea of the magnitude of the blessing of the Angels. We should not squander the privilege of conversation with them. They help us immensely. We can send our Angel before us in the case of an important meeting or situation. Our Angel will "pave the way." We should teach our children to pray to their Guardian Angels frequently. As a parent, we can pray to our infant's and children's Guardian Angels on their behalf. Each family has a separate Guardian Angel that watches over the family too.

Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God's love commits me here. Ever this day (night) be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

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