Tuesday, January 22, 2008

New Milford woman invited to the Vatican

This is the story in today's paper:

NEW MILFORD -- Devout Catholic author Donna Cooper O'Boyle believes motherhood is one of life's highest callings. She finds it disturbing when that dignity is in any way diminished or demeaned.

O'Boyle has written three Catholic-oriented books in the past three years aimed at empowering mothers to see the solemnity of their duty. Her fourth book, titled "Catholic Saints Prayer Book," will be in bookstores at the end of March.

The author is also delighted to be one of 250 people on five continents whom the Vatican invited to attend a three-day international congress in Rome early next month, which will focus on the dignity of women in today's world... (Continued here.)


Andrea said...

Good article - thanks for sharing.

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle said...

Thank you, Andrea!