Thursday, September 27, 2007

New study shows that teenage girls with close circle of friends less likely to take abuse from boys

The teenage years can be turbulent and challenging. As teens grow into their new bodies they also begin to define their sense of self as individuals in a deeper way than they have thus far. They form friendships and possibly romantic relationships.

New research was recently published in the September 20 issue of the journal BMC Nursing that suggests that teenage girls are less likely to take sexual abuse from boys if they stick with a tight knit circle of female friends. The group of friends provides a safety net and structure which helps the teen age girls a great deal as they strive to navigate their teen years safely.

This is "music" to a parent's ear! Let's keep those wholesome girlfriend relationships encouraged while keeping a close eye on activities with our youth.

To read the MSNBC article about this study click here.


Anonymous said...

Let's hear it for the girls!

Anonymous said...

News of that caught my eye to. Let's hear it for the girls!

Tracy said...

That is very good news for this mom of a teen age girl.. thanks for sharing this!!!

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

Good to know, since my daughter is fast approaching "teen-hood."
And might I add that moms nurturing good relationship with the friends' moms doesn't hurt either? It's good to know that other girls' moms are on the same page when it comes to what we will or will not permit our daughter to do.