Welcome to the July 10, 2007 edition of Catholic carnival. Thank you to all of you who have contributed! This is my first time hosting and being new to this - I had planned on having a "Summer Mothering" theme but of course, I welcome all topics. :) I'm sharing a bit of my garden with all of you, too for your enjoyment. Summertime is a great time of year. Hopefully we are all finding some time, however small - to be with our families and loved ones to refresh, renew, and RELAX!

We begin with Suzanne Temple of Blessed Among Men who shares her "rule of six" or "Six Things to Include in My Children's Summer Days" which she says "includes meaningful or disciplined work, healthy and imaginative play, beauty (art and music and nature), good books, prayer, and discussion." Visit her "flowerful" summer post here.

Jaime Gregory at her blog Life Happens tells us about her Summer School plans gearing up for her homeschooling to officially begin in September for her two children. She shares, "Kids are learning every day; we are just helping them along!"

Barb at SFO Mom recounts a summer evening experience and calls it How To Make Your Mom Cry.

Karen Edmisten discusses how Mr. Potato Head went along with her family on their Camping trip! Be sure to read her post for a good chuckle!

Heidi H. Saxton at her blog Mommy Monsters Inc. said, "How did Moses cross the Red Sea? (march, march)
Did he swim? No, no. (swing arms like windmills)
Did he sail? No, no. (did they even have pontoons on the Red Sea? I don't know.)
Did he fly? No, no, no, no! (make like a bird)
Did he run? No, no. (Well, maybe a bit when Pharaoh was chasing him.)..." What in the world is she talking about? Vacation Bible school, that's what! Read her post The Art of "Momfullness."

Athanasius tells us at 50 Days After "St Paul wrote that men should love their wives as Jesus Christ loves the Church." He explains how he more fully understood these words after he got married. Read his post As Christ Loves the Church here.

"What did you do for your marriage today?" Jay of Living Catholicism asks us. He talks about the new campaign launched by the USCCB (Catholic Bishops) that he "can really get behind: What did you do for your marriage today?" Jay feels that it is a great campaign to help any man or woman to become a better spouse.

On a lighthearted note and focusing on the joys of summer, Sarah at Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering is taking a look at just how indoctrinated her daughter is becoming to life out in the boonies. She says, "So, just in case YOU were wondering how you could tell if your children have the same malady..." Take a look at her summertime list to help you "identify just when that fairy princess has turned farm girl on you!" Read Sarah's post You're Raising a Farm Girl When..." for a look at the lighter side of summer on a farm.

Cehwiedel from Kicking Over My Traces tells us in Shadow Christians in the Modern World that everyday Catholics need to reach out and share the Gospel.

Heart, Mind and Strength offers us a reflection on the Mass readings for Sunday 7/6 (including mention of the Church as “mother”) in Three Names for the Church

Catholic Matriarch in My Domestic Church offers us "In addition to prayer, here are a few suggestions to keep your teen
drivers safe," in
Driving Home a Few Points

Catholic Matriarch in My Domestic Church also tells us "Our Catholic view of marriage should be different than that of the
secular world. Refocusing on marriage as a vocation will sanctify our
marriages and our families." in Marriage is not the Purview of the HR Department.

Jen at Daughter of the King enthusiastically tells us that "She is Here! Who's here? Our Lady of Perpetual Help that's Who! Jen says, "Things change when a family, a community, or a person living alone, begin to live under the compassionate gaze of Our Mother of Perpetual Help. By accepting the icon of the Mother of God into our homes, we accept Her also into our hearts and so fulfill what is written concerning Saint John, the Beloved Disciple of the Lord: "And from that hour, the disciple took Her to his own (John 19:27)." Read her post here.

Seminarian Matthew at A Catholic Life offers a discussion of Communion in the Hand, extraordinary ministers, and altar servers at his post Mission: Restore Eucharistic Reverence.

Loni at Finding Joy in the Morning talks about her "Summer Mothering." She tells us, "We have been taking walks, having picnics, going to parks, visiting a petting zoo, and enjoying the outdoors..." Take a look at her beautiful photos and read more about their family's "goals of having fun, doing more family things. Laughing more..."

Minnesota Mom, Margaret in her post So Much Summer; So Little Time discusses "the ambitious, wistful longings we all have heading into this allegedly more relaxed season" (My sentiments precisely, Margaret! As a matter of fact, I'd love to be sitting on that bench right about now! We DO have to MAKE time to rest this summer).

LLM at
Catholic Mom's Journey talks about, "Swimming, ice cream, vacations. Images of summer time. It is a delightful time of the year and definitely different for our family than the rest of the year" in her post Summer Fun!

Lisa Hendey of Catholic Mom.Com is in love with summer! She says, "At my kids’ school, I’m notorious among the parents, the teachers and the students for one thing: I LOVE SUMMER!
I’m the mom who is grinning ear to ear on the last day of school. I’m also the mom with a tummy ache and tears in her eyes on the first morning back to school. The reality is, I love having my boys at home. I love seeing their sleepy heads rise at 9:27 (they’re growing teens – they sleep in!). I love watching them cook lunch at 11:30 and again at 2:46, and having them ask me at 4:49 what we’re having for dinner. I love the sound of their guitars, their games, and their laughter together. I love midnight dips in the pool and going out for ice cream after a late movie. I love camping with my family – sitting around a campfire telling stories or listening to them play their instruments. I love it all!...

Lisa continues, "Summer around our home is a way of life. We decided long ago to leave schedule camps and summer school to other families. We try to keep things as unscheduled as possible (in an effort to balance out the rest of our overly scheduled year!). We look for opportunities for family fun. This weekend, for example, we went to a free Shakespeare in the park performance Friday evening and a Celtic jam session on Sunday afternoon. My boys do school work over the summer (reading, math and writing) in an effort to keep minds and skills sharp. Their summer writing journals have become precious mementos – souvenirs of special times in special places.
With my boys turning sixteen and thirteen in September, I have a sense of the fleeting passage of time. This summer I find myself acutely aware that in a few short years my boys will have moved on to the next phase of life, and that I too will find my life changed. But for now, I do my best to savor each special moment as a summer mother!"

Barb SFO Mom shares a letter she wrote to her daughter on the feast of Maria Goretti. Read it here at her post.

Revolt in the Dessert offers a post in which we are told, "If we desire Peace, then we must somehow surpass the brokenness of the present..." Go take a look at Revolt in the Dessert.

Tom O'Toole presents Live Rich or Die: Al Gore and the God of Global Warming posted at Fighting Irish Thomas. Go take a look.

Jean Marie from Catholic Fire gives us an explanation of this feast day, the promises that accompany it, the benefits (via indulgences) entailed in wearing the Carmelite scapular, and the novena, which is already in progress.
Visit her post at Catholic Fire.

Ana of Ana Braga-Henebry's Journal offers us a very nice summer post. She talks about her family, her garden and her Stations of The Cross project. She says,"We pray as a family every night. When company is here, we invite them to participate in our prayer time with us. It is always a wonderful way to close the day, because much conversation ensues and often dots are connected."

Hope from Mothers of Many Saints lets us in on her secret about the "work before us that will bring us and our children to holiness and to heaven," in her post The Work of God.

Alice at Cottage Blessings offers us Patrick and the Homeless Woman: A Ride on a Cable Car a heartfelt story about "summer mothering" in a new city. Be sure to read it.

Watch this beautiful and peaceful You Tube, "Silence is Everything." by Sandy Carlson. Let's see if we can find a bit of silence here and there this summer in which to pause and hear our Lord whisper to our souls.

Thanks for visiting! I hope you had an enjoyable time! :) Remember to put some time aside with your family and friends in which to PAUSE so that you may ENJOY, RENEW and REFRESH!

I'm leaving you with one more piece of something TRULY beautiful to watch before you leave...a short and stunning video, "Beauty in it's Time" created by my very talented friend, Sandy Carlson of Writing in Faith. I know you will love it!
God bless your summer days!

catholic carnival, blog carnival.
Donna Marie, This carnival is amazing!!! When I read your post about a carnival coming, I had NO clue what it meant but I am glad that I checked it out! I'll be reading alot of these posts over the next few days, during naps & in between running around like a madwoman (summer, relaxing? not around here! lol). Thanks for all your hard work...God bless!!! Mary
Donna- A wonderful carnival! You've done a great job- and beautiful pictures to boot!
TC&GB- Jaime
What a lovely, lovely carnival! The photographs are just as beautiful as the posts!
Donna-Marie, I should have known you'd have a garden! ;)
Thank you for putting together such a lovely carnival. These summer days are as busy as they are precious & fleeting, especially here in MinnEsota (ahem!) where the seasonal temperatures can be...erratic.
I look forward to these posts, especially those shared by bloggers I've never "met" before.
Have a blessed day, Sweetie!
Thank you for your kind words! Have lots of fun reading everyone's contributions! I know what you mean about "summer, relaxing?" I seldom relax either because I have so much to do, but I have to practice what I preach because it's good for the soul - rest that is!
God bless,
Thank you, I'm glad you like my photos, too. :)
God bless,
You are very sweet, thank you for the compliments. I hope you find time to enjoy all of the posts!
God bless,
Margaret in MinnEsota,
Whatever could you mean??? :) [Good thing I am able to go back and fix my typo!:)]Do you know how late I stayed up doing this? Until 4:00 AM?! So, I was a bit tired...I thought I had fixed that mistake, actually. Apparently NOT!
Thank you very much for your compliments, Margaret. Enjoy the Carnival!
God bless!
Well done! The flower photos are so cheerful and so summery. Now I want to come visit your garden, mmm, I hope you live within driving-distance from my kids' college! :-)! Thanks for all your work and God Bless you! Ana
Come on over, Ana! We'll sit in the garden and sip some lemonade! :) Thank you for your compliments!
God bless!
Hello Everyone,
Feel free to take another look at the carnival because I have added some things. :)
God bless your summer!
Beautiful job of hosting Donna! Nice work.
Donna-Marie, I hope you know by now that I am always teasing! The carnival is beautiful, as is your garden and the artwork in it.
PS. I hope you've been able to rest today. 4:00 a.m.?? Having having hosted a carnival once before, I very much understand. :)
Hi Margaret from MinnEsota! (private joke, everyone, well...actually not so private!)
Yes, my dear Margaret, I surely knew you were teasing and it really made me laugh out loud during my sleep deprived delerium! And then I gasped and hurredly went into edit mode!
Yes, 4:00 AM and then even more time this morning to accomodate a few people and also to tidy up a bit! :) My computer was extremely slow last night and all of my photos were difficult to access for some reason.
Anyway, thanks for your good humor that made me laugh!
God bless,
Great carnival! Thanks for hosting.
Donna-marie! What a great carnival host you are!!! You must have been working on this for hours...it shows and I thank you!
Thanks! And you are very welcome!
God bless!
(Blush) Thank you very much for your kind words! It was fun. :) And so great to work with everyone.
God bless!
The Catholic Carnival has reached a new point, folks, and it shows HERE in THIS hosting job!!! :) WOW! Great job and thanks for all the hard work and effort you put into this, Donna-Marie. Now, go take a nap. If you were up UNTIL 4 AM, instead of up AT 4 AM, then I'm guessing you have some other work that needs your full attention too (ahem, your book?), and a nap will help you out with that... :) Great work and thanks again!
Hi Esther!
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it...there's a lot to read!
God bless!
Hi Sarah!
(Blush) Thank you for your very kind words! It was a lot of fun... the carnival is a really great thing to bring us all together... so thanks to Jay and evryone for it.
Yes, I will try to get rest, but I have a lot to do, as you said. :) Thanks for the reminder, though :)
Don't you love the two videos at the end?
God bless!
I don't know what I am enjoying more reading through the carnival(still making my way through them) or the pictures of your garden which I am looking at over and over.
Too bad I missed the carnival - maybe next time.
God Bless you and yours
Hi Lynn,
I'm so glad that you are enjoying the carnival! I'm sorry you missed submitting. There is a Catholic carnival every week, so maybe next time you can submit. Go to the links at the bottom of my carnival post to submit. Also, there is a "chicklet" in the right column (scroll down) of my blog and the info is there, as well as in the link below it.
God bless!
This is a beautiful carnival. There is so much heart and soul behind all you do. Really magnificent. And the contributors' pieces are a treasure trove. Thanks for bringing all this great work together.
Thank you, Sandy!
You are very sweet and generous with your compliments. Yes, it is a treasure trove. I hope you find time to read the articles. Thank YOU so very much for your two videos at the end that really top off the carnival! :)
God bless!
Way to go on your first carnival. What a great turn out you had.
And your garden is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Carey!
I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for your compliments. :)
God bless,
Donna, I submitted a post for my husband, Tom, last minute and I wanted to thank you very much for including it in this week's carnival. Your photographs of your garden/flowers are really pretty. And I read a number of the articles included in the carnival, a couple of which I even returned for 2nd and 3rd readings ... some very good stuff!!!
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