Guess who just studied my book, The Domestic Church: Room by Room? One of the women in this study group recently told me:
"We had our last summer book study gathering last week. We discussed the final chapter of your book while munching on appetizers. Several of the ladies were missing. We're an Atlanta, GA group. We really enjoyed your book and the discussions that ensued. Thanks for encouraging Catholic wives and moms everywhere. I'll be on the lookout for your new book in September. Congrats! God bless!"
In addition to featuring this lovely group here at "Embracing Motherhood" and very soon on my website, I decided to run a contest. The first person who identifies (no one in the photo is allowed to participate - sorry - or tell anyone else, please) one of the women here in this group will win an autographed copy of my new book Mother Teresa and Me: Ten Years of Friendship! It is scheduled to be released in September. I just thought I'd have a little fun with this group to liven things up a bit. :) Just leave a comment here at this post and the first correct answer will win my new book!
Thank you, ladies for taking part in this study. I pray that it has inspired your souls and that you will carry the torch to other mothers and women who may be struggling or just in need of a little light and nourishment.
God bless you all!
Lots of guesses on Face Book but none here yet. So, what do you think?
We have a winner!!
It's a photo of Kate Wicker and part of her group studying my book: "The Domestic Church: Room by Room."
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